Liebster Award

I was nominated by Anna of My Bookish Dream to do the Liebster Award ages ago and by Ciarra of Little City Literature quite recently!! Thank you so much Ciarra and Anna and I’m really sorry for being so late. I’ve completely lost the track of tags and awards and now I’m trying to cover them up slowly. To tell the truth I’ve been drowned in work, quite literally. And all I can do after getting home is to eat and sleep. Most of my evenings are taken up by my brother, whom I have to tutor for his exams. But here and there I squeeze enough time to read your great blogs and relax. Finally with a small break in the schedule, here I am with this very much delayed award.

This award is given to smaller bloggers to help gain recognition and also bring the book community closer together.

The rules for the award are:liebster-award

  • Acknowledge the blog that nominated you and display the award.
  • Answer 11 question that the blog gives you.
  • Give 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 5-11 blogs you think are deserving of the award that have less than 200 followers.
  • Let the blogs know you have nominated them.
  • Give them 11 questions to answer.

Questions by Anna :

hrt What is the book / series that got you into reading?


It would be the Baby Sitter’s Club. I’d read Enid Blyton before that but I didn’t find the Famous Five much interesting.

hrt If you could hang out for a day with a fictional character who would you choose?


Oh God this is the most difficult question and it would be a crime to pick  one character! I also think the answer would change drastically depending on my mood. So right now I’d like to hangout with Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

hrt Your OTP?


Does it have to be from a book? Right now Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet comes to mind.

hrt What are your favourite TV series?


I’d go with the classic answer for this one. It’s How I Met Your Mother (even though they ruined the entire thing in the end) and Friends. I can watch them over and over again and never get tired.

hrt Which two place would you love to visit? (One real and one fictional.)


Hogwarts of course and I guess half the population would answer the same.

And being an anglophile, I really want to visit England some day!

hrt Who is your favourite superhero?

Mutants are superheroes as well aren’t they? Then my favourite one is Wolverine.

hrt Which is your favourite season and why?

Definitely winters! They are the best followed by spring and monsoon. I just cannot stand the summer sun it’s harsh and makes me sweat and gives me a load of headaches and I absolutely hate it!

hrt What is something you miss?

I miss school days. When the most pressing difficulty was to complete homework and to study for tests.

hrt What do you like to do in your free time beside reading?


I make crafts. Or look up DIYs there are so many, many stuff to be made and I want to do it all! In fact you can check out some of my handmade cards and DIYs on my blog here.

hrt What is your favourite place that you visited?


I haven’t been to a lot many places actually. And I’m not being partial when I say Uttarakhand, specifically Nainital because it’s damn beautiful and I love hilly, quite, pollution free areas to relax.

hrt What are some of your favourite bands / musicians / artists?

Rihanna: Love her throaty voice it’s so different than anything else.

Shreya Ghoshal: Her voice is sweet as honey and just melts your insides.

Questions by Ciarra :

hrt Why did you start your blog?

It started on a whim, hence Whimsy Journals! 😀 I read my favourite book for the umpteenth time and wanted to share it with someone and blogging was the only way people would listen to my raving.

hrt What’s your favorite fairytale? Why?


Beauty and the Beast is the best, hands down! Apart from it’s beautiful story I love the fact that it’s Belle who saves Beast instead of other way round.

hrt Favorite fictional prince?


THOR! Just one word for him -DELICIOUS!

hrt Who is your biggest fictional crush?

Oh dear the list is so long..most recent one would be Cormoran Strike, the latest detective on the block and of course I love all the Lisa Kleypas men and here’s the list of top seven.

hrt What novel do you love unconditionally?

This is such a difficult question. Harry Potter series to begin with (but really who wouldn’t?). Then there’s Gone with the Wind, Devil in WinterA Walk to Remember and Memoirs of a Geisha.

hrt Best novel heroine?

Hermione Granger. Katniss Everdeen. Elizabeth Bennet. Robin Ellacot. Evie StVincent. As you can see the list is endless! 😀

hrt Favorite anti-hero and why?


I’ve mentioned Jean-Baptiste Grenouille from Perfume in some other tag as well. And let’s suffice it to say he’s bloody awesome as a horrible villain.

hrt What’s a habit or hobby you picked up after reading a novel? I.e. Writing letters to the boys you’ve loved before like Lara Jean in To all the boys I’ve loved before.

I didn’t pick up any hobby as such but I would say I’ve learned a lot from all the characters that I’ve read about. And every day I strive to be a better person but a practical one as well.

hrt Romance or all the money in the world?

Romance obviously! I’d take a good, fulfilling romance any time any day over any amount of money. And money I can earn when I’m with the man of my dreams.

hrt The book or series that started your book obsession?

As I mentioned above, The Babysitters Club!

hrt What book do you turn to when you want to be cheered up or are in a reading slump?


hathaway series

Wallflower series or the Hathaways series by Lisa Kleypas.


  1. My favourite colour is red.
  2. My favourite day of the week is Friday, for obvious reasons.
  3. I’ve got two pair of ear piercings and one on my nose.
  4. I absolutely love tattoos and I plan to get ‘Always’ inked on my wrist.
  5. I don’t know if I’ve mention it before but I’m preparing for government exams.
  6. My favourite songs at the moment are Wakhra Swag and Kar Gayi Chull.
  7. My name Shivalika means belonging of Lord Shiva, related to Lord Shiva, whose owner is Lord Shiva, Lord Shiva in female form. And Lord Shiva is one of the major Hindu deities.
  8. The latest movie I’ve watched is The Revenant and my goodness it’s lovely and now I understand his Oscar speech.
  9. My favourite flowers are gerbera daisies, carnations and roses.
  10. And that fact reminded me once I was talking to this guy and he asked me to tell him something about myself and I breezily told him I like chocolates, and this this flowers and he thought I was hinting towards a date. Men are stupid.
  11. Currently I’m reading Bedwyn series by Mary Balogh and loving it. And that’s all I can think of right now!


  1. Your favourite chocolate.
  2. Your favourite colour.
  3. Your favourite flower.
  4. Your favourite street food.
  5. Your current favourite book.
  6. Current favourite TV series.
  7. Most played song on your playlist.
  8. Would you prefer an indifferent hero or a villain who loves u?
  9. Pizza or pasta?
  10. A sea side hideaway or a cottage tucked in mountains?
  11. Leonardo DiCaprio or Chris Helmsworth?


Sammie @ Bookshelves And Biros

I’m A Zalfie Fanatic

Rantings Of a Curse Breaker

Lila @ The Bookkeeper’s Secrets

Heather @ The Sassy Book Geek

Rae @ Bookmark Chronicles

Imogene @ Amidst the Pages

Nya @ Nya Reads

Chicks , Rogues and Scandals

My Random Blog

If you have already done it and you don’t want to do it then disregard it it’s just another feather added to your accomplishments. And if you do decide to do it I’d request you to link back to this post specifically so that I could get a notification Because I’ve realised some bloggers like to link back to the blog and we don’t get notified to that!

Once again Anna and Ciarra thanks a lot I really enjoyed answering all the questions. And I hope you enjoyed reading this rather long post as well. Thank you for dropping by! 🙂 Love,




Book Fangirling Blog Award

Yet again, my lovely friend Giselle of Hardwork Boulevard nominated me for the Book Fangirling Blog Award. A huge thanks to Giselle! If you want to read some amazing book reviews, head over to her blog this instant and you won’t regret it!


THE RULES:book-fangirling-blog-award

  • Create a post to accept your award.
  • Add the blog award button into your post and put it on the side of your blog as a widget. Visit fangirling for the award button.
  • Answer the questions I have below.
  • Nominate between 5-10 book bloggers who you think also deserve this award.
  • Come up with your own 5 questions for your nominees.

hrt What book did everyone like and you hated?


The book Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson had a great rating on Goodreads which lead me to assume that it must be really awesome. But I am sorry to say it bored me to sleep!

hrt Book/s that put you in a ridiculous reading slump.

Believe it or not, I have never experienced a reading slump! Yet. There hasn’t been a time when I don’t want to read. Most probably it’s because I spend a lot of time doing other stuff so a balance it maintained.

hrt Name a book you wish more people knew about.


One book that everyone should read is The Diary of Anne Frank. We people have become so violent and inconsiderate and intolerant towards everything and it should be a lesson to everyone to read about such a young girl with so much compassion and forgiveness even at the face of her death.

hrt Name a book/s you wish they’d turn into a movie.


hathaway series

I would love to see Lisa Kleypas’ books turned into movies. The Hathaways series and the Wallflowers series, especially Devil in Winter. And Chris Hemsworth will have to be Sebastian no matter what! I’d also add Sugar Daddy, which is a contemporary.

hrt Favorite booktuber/s?


I don’t follow booktube  as such but I do enjoy watching the Thug Notes by Wisecrack from time to time. Thug Notes is a hilarious take on our favourite books gangster style!

I Nominate:

Analee @ Book Snacks 

Erika @ Erika In Bookventureland


Lauren @ Drifting Lexi

Bianca @ The Ultimate Fangirl

Katinka @ Unquietly Me

The Quirky Book Nerd

Calliope The Book Goddess

Dimple @ Enthralling Dimple

Simon @ SFarnell

My Questions

hrt Pick one – Harry Potter or Percy Jackson.

hrt Who’s your favourite Lisa Kleypas and Jane Austen hero/ heroine?

hrt Who’s your book soul mate?

hrt Who’s your latest book crush?

hrt Book whose ending you disliked the most.

Thanks all for dropping by, have a great day! 🙂 Love,


The Versatile Blogger Award

Hello everybody! Big thanks to Giselle of Hardwork Boulevard, Katinka of Unquietly Me and The Quirky Book Nerd, who nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award ages ago. Although I’ve been blogging for quite a while now it’s always a giddy surprise whenever I’m nominated. So thanks to all of you and do check out the awesome blogs of the ladies.


Here are the rules:

1. Show the award on your blog

2. Thank the person that has nominated you.

3. Share 7 different facts about yourself.

4. Nominate 15 blogs of your choice

5. Link your nominees and let them know of your nomination.


7 Facts About Me

hrt I love the Minute Maid Pulpy Orange currently. I’ve been drinking it almost on a daily basis! It’s yummy, very refreshing and truly very pulpy.


hrt I’m a Bachelors of Technology graduate working in a software development company and preparing for government exams.

hrt In order to lighten up my bad mood I usually have a Bar One chocolate or Pepsi topped with vanilla ice cream.


hrt I’ve always wanted to learn the language of love – French and the language of anime- Japanese.

hrt I absolutely love winters. But one thing I detest is getting out of the warm, cosy quilt at night to use the washroom. It takes ages for my toes and fingers to warm up!


hrt I’m a no makeup person. Just surma/kohl is all that I use before going out. And I definitely prefer surma to kohl. In case you don’t know, surma is a powdery form of kohl applied with the help of a stick.

hrt I love giving gifts and surprises to others but for myself I hate it. And compliments of any kind make me super awkward and most of the times I don’t know how to react to them.


My Nominations

Erika @ Erika In Bookventureland

Charlie @ Books & Bakes1 


Lauren @ Drifting Lexi

Bianca @ The Ultimate Fangirl

Cassidy @ The Little Book Cottage

Giovanna @ Book Coma Blog

Calliope The Book Goddess

Dimple @ Enthralling Dimple

Rosema @ A Reading Writer

Sania @ Grape Fruit Books

Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Productions Blog

Jessica @ the mud and stars book blog

Rachel @ Bookish Rachel

Jane @ greenish bookshelf

Apologies if you have done it already. Have a great day! 🙂 Love,


Dragon’s Loyalty & One Lovely Blogger Award


Hello all! Today I’m here with two awards – Dragon’s Loyalty Award and One Lovely Blog Award- for which I was nominated by the lovely Giselle of Hardwork Boulevard and Lauren of Drifting Lexi. Thank you so much nominating me ladies. Everyone should definitely check out their blogs. Giselle writes such awesome reviews that are worth munching on. And Lauren blends in beauty and books so amazingly well! I’m really glad for both the awards but I am curious about the Dragon’s Loyalty. What does it really mean?? Does anybody know? Do tell me if you do though while I do my own searching as well. Now without waiting further let’s get you loads of facts about me!


Nominated by Hardwork Boulevard



1. Display the award on your blog
2. Announce your win with a post and link the blogger who awarded you
3. Present 6 deserving bloggers with the award
4. Link your awardees in the post and let them know of their being awarded
5. Write seven interesting things about you.

Facts About Me

hrt I’m an anglophile. I love everything English and I would do anything, yes, anything to swap places this instant with any of you reading this in England.


hrt If I could go back in time I would love to explore the Victorian era England. I just love reading about it!


hrt I’m a huge fan of street food! I don’t think I can live without having gol gappas on a regular basis.


hrt Of all the days I love Fridays the most. Not because it’s the start of weekend but because as a kid I used to play with two of my best friends till very late while our parents went for weekly shopping.


hrt Sometimes when I have a dream, I know that I’m in one. My sister thinks it’s weird. Although I’d like to know if that happens with others too or not.

hrt I’ve watched the movie 27 Dresses a gazillion times. It’s one movie that always ends up with a happier me! 😀


hrt As with books, there’s a set of movies that I watch atleast annually. Titanic, Tangled, A Walk To Remember, Tanu Weds Manu and Memoirs of a Geisha are a few of them.



Nominated by Hardwork Boulevard and Drifting Lexi



1. You must thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
2. You must list the rules and display the award.
3. You must add 7 facts about yourself.
4. You must nominate 15 other bloggers and comment on one of their posts to let them know they have been nominated.

Facts About Me

hrt I’m 5’6.5’’ tall and I wish I were an inch or two taller.

hrt My hometown is in Nainital district, a beautiful serene place in Uttarakhand, India. Good thing I love mountains.


hrt I love Johnny Depp and Pirates of the Caribbean, so I have a Jack Sparrow cut out in my room.


hrt Winters are coming. It happens to be my favourite time of the year and I love stealing my dad’s sweaters for myself when I go out.

hrt A friend of mine and I have this ritual kind of thing that whenever we sleep over at each other’s place we always watch a horror film at night. And now we are running out of movies.


hrt I ate Subway Salad for the first time last week and loved it and highly recommend it now. It was unbelievably fresh!


hrt Macular hole is a tear in the retina of your eye which can cause blurred and distorted vision. I had that in my left eye but we found out at the right time and got it corrected.

My Nominations:

Meg @ Little Blog of Books

Breathing In The Pages

Megan @ Fun Facts For Writing

Simon @ SFarnell

Alex @ Alex The Shadow Girl

Anna @ My Bookish Dream

Giovanna @ Book Coma Blog

Cassidy @ The Little Book Cottage

Jessica @ Mud And Stars

Poulami @ Daydreaming Books

Lucia @ Making Days Better

The Quirky Book Nerd

T. K. Lawrence @ Read It Or Not Reviews

Lauren @ Drifting Lexi (*For Dragon’s Loyalty)

Disregard it if you have already done them!

Thanks again Giselle and Lauren. It’s great to be appreciated by both of you. And thanks for dropping by everyone! 🙂 Love,


Encouraging Thunder Award & Creative Blogger Award

Hello everybody! I’ve been nominated by the lovely ladies Morgan of The Secret Diary of a Computer Science Student and Parneet of The Enchanted Book for the Encouraging Thunder award. In other words, you are supposed to tell your reasons for blogging. Definitely check out their gorgeous blogs and a huge thanks to both of you!


1. Thank your nominator

2. Tell the world why you blog

3. Nominate 5 more people

I have been maintaining a diary for a long long time now. I do not write regularly but whenever I feel happy or upset, I just have to pen it down. This blog started in a similar fashion. I had finished rereading one of my best loved books and on an emotional note I wrote a review on it and started the blog. You see ink can fade over time and papers can be lost forever, especially if you are as clumsy as me, but here in this tiny speck of a blog in the space of internet my words, my ideas and my lists will always remain. This idea compelled me to go on.

Frankly, I never thought I would ever have a blog. And when I did I never thought I would have so many lovely people to share it with! I might have started it on a whim but this wonderful community of total strangers mapping all over the globe totally sucked me in. I love it and I’m always eager to know what everybody else is up to. I believe I’m quite addicted to it now. 😀


Huge thanks to the lovely Dimple of Enthralling Dimple for nominating me for the Creative Blogger Award. Although it’s the second time I’ve been nominated for this, but I think it’s a special award for a blogger because at the end of the day our aim is to be creative enough for our readers.



1. Thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.

2. Share 5 facts about yourself.

3. Nominate some bloggers in return and notify them about their nomination.

4. Keep the rules in your post to make it easy for everyone to know what to do.


hrt I’m infinitely proud of the fact that I share my birthday with Agatha Christie. For those who don’t know her shame on you (kidding!) she’s one of the best mystery authors ever!


hrt I have never EVER travelled out of my country!

hrt Pertaining to the last fact, there are many countries I want to visit. Namely: England, Italy, Greece, Greenland, Japan and many more!


Bodiam Castle, England

hrt Glossophobia is when a person suffers acute anxiety from public speaking. And I suffer from it. I know people usually say that everyone is apprehensive about being the centre of attention but trust me it’s a lot more than that.


hrt Again referring to the previous fact, once I took part in a public speaking competition. You know, trying to be brave and all..I must have spoken a few lines when I got all numb. Everyone was just staring at me and I literally ran away from the dais.


Once again thanks Morgan, Parneet and Dimple for nominating me! ❤


hrt Anna @ My Bookish Dream

hrt Hannah & Lindsay @ Untamed Shrews

hrt Stefanie @ yourdaughtersbookshelf

hrt Kuebra @ The Reader Complex

hrt Vrushali @ Vrushali21

Have a great day all! 🙂
